Trappen van vergelijking 13

Vul ALLE gaten in, klik dan "Check" om je antwoorden te controleren.
Klik de "Hint" knop om je een letter te geven als je problemen hebt met een antwoord.
Let wel !! Je percentage zal wel naar beneden gaan als je de "Hint" knop gebruikt !!

A cat is dangerous, but a lion is .
A horse is big but an elephant is .
A horse is quick, but a car is .
I felt weak today, but last weekend I felt even .
James Bond is handsome, but Mr Kop is .
Madonna is fantastic, but Jantje Smit is than Madonna.
My father has much money, but Mr Heyn has got   money than my father..
Prices at the HEMA are cheap, but C1000 is .
That is a wonderful car, but my Porsche is .
The moon shines bright, but the sun shines .
The queue is long, but last week it was .
This grass is green, but that is .
This is a short skirt, but Jane wears skirts.
This is a strong man, but that man is .
This music is loud, but your radio is .
This solution is good, but that one is .

Let's go digital !